Fa La La La La La La La La......(you counted the 'la's' didn't you!)
I love Christmas. I love my kids. So, naturally, you put my kids, infront of a Christmas tree, and it's nothing but joy for me! Well, ok, you put my kids infront of a tree, in their newest dresses, and force them to smile, and it's not 'joy' so much but stomach turning stress! Thank God the picture doesn't show me telling Delaney to 'please for the love of St. Peter, STOP TILTING YOUR HEAD!!!'
Here's something I just figured out. Delaney is doing this weird thing when we get pictures taken....she does what I call 'Chandler Bing' face. (Anyone remember the 'FRIENDS' episode where Monica and Chandler are getting engagement photos and Chandler keeps opening his eyes SO wide and scrunching up his nose so his teeth are all showing...THAT's the Chandler Bing face.) Anyway, the only way Delaney can smile properly is if she tilts her head. As I'm commenting on this last night, Calvin alerts me to the fact that I too am a head tilter when I get my picture taken. SURELY YOU JEST!!!! I realized that I do in fact have a tendancy to 'tilt' and that the pictures that I'm 'tilting' in, my face looks nicer....thinner even.....
In that case...it's a wonder I don't tilt my whole body when I get pictures taken!