Daisypath Anniversary tickers elliott5inbc: April 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Camping 101

Is it just me or are there ALOT of people getting divorced these days? I mean, I know alot of people and ALOT of them are splitting up. I've heard the different reasons...and I have a solution. Yes...I have a fix it all for marriages. I'm awesome.

Hear me out.

It's camping.

Not the Hyatt Regency type of camping but the pee in a bucket, sleep on a foamy type of camping.

Camping makes people happy.

What is there not to be happy about? You are sitting by a campfire, and your ONLY job besides doing the occasional camp dish or throwing more wood on the fire is deciding what to eat next.

Immediately after breakfast, it's time to think about what bag of chips you should open. Should you eat the two bite brownies now or later? Perhaps you break it up by 'walking' (and by walking, I mean 'sauntering' while talking about how awesome your steaks are going to be at dinner) but the truth remains the same. You are getting ready for the next meal.

I'm officially changing the name of camping to 'eating whilst sleeping in a camper'. Yes, I used the word 'whilst'. It's not used nearly as much as it should be these days.

I digress...

Camping reminds me why I love being with Calvin...and why I love having kids. It's pure family time. I mean, you can't be pissed at your hubby whilst (again) he's got marshmallow and nuttela smeared all over his love patch...can you? Sure, you could be mad at him when you have to get up an pee in a bucket in the middle of the night because he thought a camper from 1978 would be just fine....but where would that get you? Mad...and peeing in a bucket...that's where.

Ok, fine, I'll admit, it's not solid psychology, but it could work couldn't it? How bad could it be for a marriage to let go of modern conveniences like cell phones and laptops, and just focus on being together? As a family.

And if that doesn't work?

There's always breakfast.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers