Ok 2011. I'm going to kick you in the a@@.
(heads up...these are really in no particular order.....)
First of all, my Dad is already dead so no more losing Dad's this year.
Second of all, with the help of weight watchers and
Zumba, this year (the year I turn 35) will finally be the one where I break the 100 barrier. I mean...I will see a number ONE at the front of my weight. Even if it's 199. I will then promptly drive to
DQ and eat a peanut buster parfait.
Thirdly....I'm going to find my time with God. I'm going to make some time for spiritual growth a priority.
Fourth? Well, I'm going to try and remember EACH day how much I love being a Mom...I looked at some baby pictures the other day and how 11 years of being a Mom has flown by, I will NEVER know, but I want to enjoy each moment.
And now in random order....
- I will not compare myself to others...mostly because I'm awesome, and a little because it never helps anyway.
- I will have some more sex. Just for fun.
- I will try to keep my mouth shut more often. Listen more, talk less...listen more, talk less
- I will have a good attitude about housework.
- I will have a better attitude about housework.
- Ok..I won't have a bad attitude about housework.
- I will try to stick to my Starbucks allowance and only go 2 (gulp) times a week, no promises here, I'm only human!
- I will write a blog every two weeks, even it it's dead boring and pointless
How are you going to kick it up a notch this year?