The big 10
Well, it's true. In 2 weeks, I will have been married TEN years. TEN. I am no longer a 'young married' person. I am approching middle age with my greying haired husband....
10 things I like (mostly) about being Calvin that is!
1. You know I have to mention it....SEX. With the same person. For 10 years. Sounds boring right? Not so much.....without going into details, let's just say 'Mama has her grove back' after 3 kids and years of no sleep.
2. Knowing that I have a soft place to fall no matter what....of course, sometimes I have to remind my 'soft place' that I don't need a 'I can fix it' place to fall....
3. Matching shirts. Sounds lame? It is. I promised myself I'd never do that. I did it. I'm not proud, and it wasn't intentional....I got dressed, he got dressed....we walked into the living room and voila...matching hockey shirts (with different teams OF COURSE!)
4. Laughing at how stupid we were 10 years I was SO cranky at my husband about the STUPIDEST stuff! We have both learned to R-E-L-A-X.
5. Not having to work. It's true, I love staying home and my husband likes working. It works out rather well, as long as I'm appreicated for the work (YES....WORK!!) I do here. It is not all watching Oprah and talking to my BFF Heather. kind of is but I also sweep! (Thank God for long distance plans....)
6. Seeing my hubby with my girls and knowing that they won't have to grow up without a father influence at home.
7. Laughing. ALOT. (oh..and rolling my eyes goes with that too....) Calvin's fav at the moment is adding 'That's what SHE said' after everything. Even if it doesn't makes sense....and dangit if I don't laugh every darn time!
8. Not being alone. (You decide if that's good or bad!) EVER.
9. Dreaming big dreams together about what and where we want to go......and having common goals.
10. Being the only person in my family that has made the 10 year mark (I'm talking my immediate family...Mom, Dad, Brother and Sister), and I'm sure I won't be the only one but it feels nice to conquer that ghost in my life.
Onward and Upward....Here's to another 50 at least!
Congrats on your upcoming Wedding Anniversary. So glad to see you guys more in love today then ever....hope we can see you sometime soon!!!
congratulations on your anniversary! marraige is such a wonderful thing!
10 years has been good to you... You're both hot.
So happy that you have made this incredible feat. You make it look easy!
Yay Mama! (and yay for papa too wink wink, nudge nudge.)
Don't really have much to say. Congratulations and all and stuff and things.
Feeling loopy on a friday aft. Is it cocktail hour yet?
You guys are awesome! Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! You both deserve ALL the happiness in the world! Here's to another 50 years of wedded bliss! :) Cheers!
P.S. We celebrated four years last week. Can you believe it???
Hi Michelle,
Forgive me for being totally random...but I used to go to Tuesday Night Live wayyyy back in the day... right around the tme you and calvin were getting engaged or newly married. I didn't know you at all, save for being Vanessa's sister, nor do I now... but I distinctly remember looking at how excited you were for your pending wedding and thinking "I want that someday." Congratulations, I still want that someday. :)
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