Daisypath Anniversary tickers elliott5inbc: Reflections....

Friday, May 22, 2009


Well well....looks who has made it back from the brink of death! ME!

OK, that was dramatic, perhaps not death but trust me, I felt like I wasn't far off the last few weeks! Being sick for 19 days is NOT my idea of a fun time.

So, 'they' say that everything happens for a reason, well, actually it's kind of a biblical concept but even lots of 'non-believers' believe that...so, let's delve into my gross eye sickness.....what reason....what reason......what reason?????

1. I'm too vain. I have a make-up fetish and in fact rarely go out with out at least a little bit of make up. Hey...you know what fixes that problem? Eyes that looks so blistered and gross that you couldn't get an eyeliner pencil safely within 3 feet of them.

2. I go on the computer and watch TV too much. Not a problem when you're eyes feel like they are BLEEDING when you open them. Problem solved.

3. I'm not empathetic. Let's just say that I will NEVER again use trite words like 'just pray more' or 'give it to God' to anyone ever again. I feel like (on a very small scale) I can really empathize with people who are chronically ill. Remember now, I was banished to my room for about 10 days while being house bound for 15. My eyes hurt so unbelievably, I felt like I couldn't cope. I can see why people who are chronically ill get depressed!

4. I'm too anal about exercising. Interesting hey? Well, you'd never know it since I'm still like 60 pounds overweight but I get so panicky about not getting my cardio in that I beat myself up for days! Not being able to run, bike or even walk made me realize that I can relax a bit. I didn't blow up like a balloon, even after not running for three weeks BUT this week I did start running again and I realized how good I feel after I'm done. I actually hate exercising but I love how I feel when I'm done.

5. I need to hold my kids more. I missed not being able to comfort them and hug them....I craved human contact! 10 days without touching anyone is a weird thing!

6. My husband is beyond amazing. Again, while I was bedroom bound, Calvin ended up getting really sick too (and missing three days of work which is UNHEARD of for him) and because I was so sick, he had to do EVERYTHING. Breakfast, make lunches for school, pick up and drop off to school, spelling after school, homework, piano, supper, bed...everything! Now, normally I do most of these things (which makes sense since he works all day and I stay home...it's the stuff I like to do!) but the thing he NEVER, and I mean NEVER does is grocery shop. He literally has no idea what stuff to get or how much stuff costs. I had to make him a list of stuff to get and put prices on the list so he wouldn't over pay for stuff! Oh, and also, the poor guy had to care for and pray for a very sick and very whiny wife. This man is my soul mate for so many reasons....in sickness and in health.

7. Health is a gift. I really mean that. Now that I'm about 95%, I can say that I've never felt better. Sure, I'm still chubby...and getting grey hair....and not perfect but I FEEL great. I feel happy that I can walk around town and see stuff pain free. I'm happy I can go for coffee, run, ride my bike, get a Starbucks, hug my kids, kiss my husband and enjoy life again.

Here's to GOOD HEALTH!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay- fabulous reflections! I'm so glad that you are feeling better... it's a strange feeling when the life of the party is MIA. Glad you're back and I'm sure looking forward to the wee little celebration tomorrow! Love you! xx

6:55 p.m.  
Blogger Cyriously? said...

Welcome back from the brink! I'm so, so glad you're feeling better. And I am with you with the grocery shopping thing. I have to be so specific with Hugh like, it has a blue label, you will find it on the 3rd shelf 6 things in from the right.

8:04 p.m.  
Blogger Simone said...

Here's to you feeling better! I can't even imagine what you went through for 19 days.
I so hear you about the exercising. I joined up for bootcamp AND swimming lesson at the same time (ya, not sure what I was thinking then) and dreaded going every time time but I so loved how I felt after.

10:13 p.m.  
Blogger Kater said...

You are SUCH a rockstar... and thanks for the advice... I LOVE Sweet Home Alabama, I can't believe I didn't think about it before. :)

10:07 p.m.  

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