Tall, Decaf, Fat-Free, Sugar-Free Vanilla Caramel Mack Please...
We managed to stay within our Starbucks budget (what? Doesn't everybody have a Starbucks budget?) and get home safely....out of money but happy!
I love visiting (key word visiting) the city. I love the fast paced life, the option to shop after 6 and the ability to chose from more than two movies. I love that going shopping can actually be an all day affair (hello METROTOWN!!), I love that my kids get to experience things like Science World and the Sea Bus and are SO excited...because it's not an everyday thing for them. But can I tell you when our 'smalltown-ness' really was evident? We had taken the Seabus out to Longsdale Quey (is that how you spell that?) and of course, everyone had to pee when we got there...so, I took the girls to the bathroom, and while they were each in their stalls, a line of ladies waiting had formed. I'm standing near the sinks...waiting and I hear...FLUSH... 'WOWWOWOWOWOWOW Mom...the toilet flushes all by itself...it KNOWS when I'm done peeing!' (By now, the ladies in the line up are chuckling) Avery comes running out of the stall, beyond excited only to be beyond THRILLED when the sinks work by themselves too....but wait..there's more...the paper towel dispenser also goes by itself when you wave your hand infront of it...OH THE JOY!!! I had to pull my kids away from the bathroom and remind them that there were MANY more things to do and see in West Vancouver, although, I was hard pressed to find something cooler than a toilet that knew when you were done your business.
Anyway, we had a great time...the weather was great but seeing Hudson Bay Mountain was so comforting...we love Smithers...(oh, and it helped that when we got home, the snow was gone from our yard!!!)
So very glad you guys had a wonderful vacation. Wish we could have gotten in a visit with you while you were so close by, but hey that's life. I guess maybe next time you are in our neck of the woods?
Yeah, we probably won't be down there for a while...my sister's wedding in Aug, we're going to Hawaii in Jan, then on a houseboat cruise in the Shuswap with the Richmond clan in August, then to Europe with the kids the next Spring Break...we may have to wait until you guys come up here!!!! Man...life just goes by hey? Calvin and I will be going down to YVR early when we go on our Hawaaiin cruise so maybe we'll just take the ferry over for a night??? You wouldn't get to see the kids but at least we could visit!
Wow, Michelle, you are becoming quite the travellers. What an exciting year ahead. I'm so sorry that I didn't call while you were here. I had sick boys all week long. They are just getting over it now. We'll be up in Smithers for a week before Vanessa's wedding so we'll get to visit then. I'm glad you had a good time on your holiday.
I still think toilets that flush themselves are cool. I hate touching the flush handle. I use my foot if it's not automated so I have the same reaction - SWEET IT FLUSHES BY ITSELF!
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